During your initial Cell Mate configuration, Cell Mate will attempt to guess your user email settings if you are an Outlook or Outlook Express user. If Cell Mate is unable to guess this information, you will be required to provide it yourself.

The Email Address is your personal email address, the address you use on the computer that will be running Cell Mate. If your personal computer is currently handling more than one email address and Cell Mate guessed the wrong one, you may change it in this section.

Remember, if you make a mistake, you can always change it later.

The SMTP Address is the address your computer contacts to send email messages. This address is provided by your Internet Service Provider. This is the same address that was entered when you configured your email client whether it be Outlook Express, Outlook, Netscape, Eudora, etc. It is important that you provide the correct SMTP address or Cell Mate will be unable to send out messages. However, if you do make a mistake, you can always change it later.





<body> Fatal Error Software, a small shareware development team, is committed to providing simple and effective, high quality software solutions for the average Windows user. Unlike many shareware developers, Fatal Error Software puts in the extra time required to make software as easy to use as possible. This includes simple applications that are easy to navigate, containing comprehensive help files and online support. Cell Mate cellular mobile phone reminder email schedule instant message sms calendar time program application software shareware Home Base appointment Windows file sharing office share appointment Cell Mate cellular mobile phone reminder email schedule instant message sms calendar time program application software shareware Home Base appointment Windows file sharing office share appointment Cell Mate cellular mobile phone reminder email schedule instant message sms calendar time program application software shareware Home Base appointment Windows file sharing office share appointment Cell Mate cellular mobile phone reminder email schedule instant message sms calendar time program application software shareware Home Base appointment Windows file sharing office share appointment Cell Mate cellular mobile phone reminder email schedule instant message sms calendar time program application software shareware Home Base appointment Windows file sharing office share appointment </body>